The transport conditions posted in the ski stations apply. Mistakes and typographical errors excepted.
Use of ski passes & keycard use: All rates are published in euros and are inclusive of VAT, a mountain rescue contribution, and an advertising cost subsidy for the PP3000 platform. We charge a €2 fee for our reusable keycards (not included in the listed ski-lift prices), which will be refunded when your card is returned undamaged.
Multi-day ski passes from 1.5 days are valid across the entire Schneebären Card network. Both 1.5- and 2.5-day passes are valid from 12 noon on the first day. The point-of-sale for ski passes is the Planneralm lift ticket office, and we can only transport people holding a valid ski pass. Your ski pass is your personal ID and is non-transferable. When requested to do so by our staff, the holder must show their ski pass for identification purposes. Any subsequent exchange or extension of the period of validity is not permitted, while any subsequent (post-sale) informal buying or selling of ski passes and vouchers is also prohibited. We are usually unable to replace lost ski passes. Advance purchase of ski passes for the following day can be effected from 3:00 p.m. onwards.
Misuse & fines: Any misuse of a ski pass, including passing it on to third parties, specifying a false age category, etc., will result in the immediate confiscation of that ski pass with an additional obligation to purchase a valid replacement day ski pass and pay a further fine equivalent to the cost of a two-day pass. We also reserve the right to report a suspected act of fraudulently obtaining a service (Penal Code: §149StGB) and/or perpetrating an act of deception (Penal Code: §146StGB). Ski passes are checked using automatic readers and are also subject to random checks by enforcement agencies.
Opening times: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the season. Ski slopes are closed from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. During this time, snow grooming machines attached to cable winches are in use, and avalanche blasting may also be carried out. Any use of the ski slopes and ski routes during this time is thus extremely dangerous and is therefore expressly prohibited. FIS Piste Rules and the Austrian Alpine Safety Board’s draft Piste Regulations apply.
Off-season: When the valid term of a ski pass includes part of the off-season period (see ski pass prices), we will charge a variable mixed price to reflect this.
Discounts: only apply to those with a valid ID. The discount categories are as follows: Small Children (born 2017 onwards) travel free when accompanied by an appropriate guardian or supervisor; Children (born 2007-2016);Young people (born 2004-2006); Students & Under-25s (born 1997-2003). People with 70% disability or more: (children’s rate on day and multi-day tickets, young people’s rate on the Schneebären Card); Adults are those born from 2003 onwards. When parents and children buy ski tickets together, all children from the third child onwards travel for free.
Injuries & refunds: Accidents resulting in injury must be reported to us immediately. Refunds can only be considered if the ski pass holder has an accident resulting in serious injury, and the relevant ski pass is also deposited at our cash desk together with a medical certificate. The period of use is then considered to be the number of days from the issue of the ski pass to the time of the said deposit. When a return deposit takes place before 10 a.m., that day is not counted. No refunds can be made in respect of the family members of an injured person. Early departure, illness, etc. do not qualify for a refund. We charge a contribution towards the costs of rescuing injured people.
Operational closures: Heavy snowfall, natural disasters (danger of avalanches, storms, etc.), unforeseen technical defects and safety concerns are matters which justify the closure of cable car transport, resort facilities and ski slopes. Especially during pre- and post-season periods, some lifts may not be in operation for technical, organisational or economic reasons. Such shutdowns do not entitle customers to a price reduction or refund on the cost of a ski pass purchase.
Photo images: By purchasing a ski pass, customers consent to an automatic registration and the capture of their personal photographic image, as well as the storage and processing of their personal data in the access areas for administration purposes, and to prevent misuse of cards. By using the Planneralm facilities, guests agree that photo and film material with personal images, created on behalf of Planneralm Betriebsgesellschaft mbH or the Planneralm 3000 platform, may be used for advertising purposes and shared with selected commercial partners.
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